Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Entry 14 - Truest Likeness

These are all of my Facebook profile pictures, all the way from 2007 up to today's date. I believe these images make up a part of the truest image of myself. While not all of them are self portraits, these are the images I chose to represent myself on my public profile. I believe the reasons I had behind choosing each image at the time had to do with that image being relevant to my physical and mental state at the time. They are a timeline of who I was friends with, what I was interested in, and how my physical appearance changed. One thing that is consistent is the gaze. My gaze is always out towards the viewer which I believe points to me being a confident individual.  A majority of the pictures have become double portraits because I tend to choose pictures where another person who is important to me is present. By averaging all these pictures together, I know that you can get the truest likeness of me possible.

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