Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Entry 14 - Truest Likeness

These are all of my Facebook profile pictures, all the way from 2007 up to today's date. I believe these images make up a part of the truest image of myself. While not all of them are self portraits, these are the images I chose to represent myself on my public profile. I believe the reasons I had behind choosing each image at the time had to do with that image being relevant to my physical and mental state at the time. They are a timeline of who I was friends with, what I was interested in, and how my physical appearance changed. One thing that is consistent is the gaze. My gaze is always out towards the viewer which I believe points to me being a confident individual.  A majority of the pictures have become double portraits because I tend to choose pictures where another person who is important to me is present. By averaging all these pictures together, I know that you can get the truest likeness of me possible.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Entry 13 - Personal Identity

Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Young Girl Reading, 1770, National Gallery of Art (D.C.)
Oil on Canvas

Barring the physical differences, this could be a portrait of myself. Every since I was young I have enjoyed reading immensely and you could often find me tucked away reading something. She also has a quiet, withdrawn presence to her, much like myself.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Entry 12 - Power

This portrait of Lady Gaga shows her power in terms of the affect she has on large groups of people. Not only do people pay money to come see her preform, they are engaged in what she is going on stage. In this photo, the audience's hands are up in the air, bopping along to whatever song she is singing. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Entry 11 - Group Portrait

This group portrait is of the MSU Quidditch team from Fall 2010. I would place this under the civic and institutional category. This picture was taken to commemorate our involvement in the Quidditch World Cup that year. Our uniforms is a visual que to show our unity.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Entry 8 - Stages of life


My cousin's son is the embodiment of childhood in this picture. He doesn't really seem to be aware of what's going on, has a little toy he is playing with in his hand and has the open face of wonderment at something off to the side.

Young Adults

This picture illustrates young adults by the casual style of dress (on a football game day). The poses we are holding show at this age we still have some of the silliness of youth while transitioning into the responsibility of being an adult. 

Old Age

My grandma is in the lower left hand corner. In this picture she is surrounded by most of her family which I believe is one of the more important things to her as she still makes food and blankets for us and has holidays at her house.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Entry 7 - Choosing a New Portrait

Gustav Klimt, Pallas Athene, 1898, Oil on Canvas & Inlay, Erich Lessing Culture and Fine Arts Archive

The strong stance of the woman in this portrait is what drew me to it. Her uplifted head and piercing gaze convey a sense of power and confidence. Also it's got gold leaf and who doesn't love gold leaf.